Our Story

how did

We Start

As avid explorers of the great outdoors, we are acutely aware how being BIPOC has affected our access and safety concerning outdoor adventures, as systemic racism has affected our entire community. There are simply some places in America we won't go, because our safety is threatened. To overcome this fundamental problem in America, we seek to elevate BIPOC outdoor experience, show our grounding in history at the moral center of our nation.

Launching the summer of 2022 with the Buffalo Soldiers' Iron Riders re-enactment from Missoula, Montana to St. Louis, we will elevate the importance of BIPOC adventures in our nation's history. Future projects will elevate the story of York and Sacajawea in the Lewis & Clark Expedition, the Underground Railroad, and the Trail of Tears. These Dignity Projects, rooted as they are in the definition of what makes us American, serve to highlight the critical role black, indigenous people of color have played in all that makes us good today. It is our hope that elevating this essential historical experiences will motivate BIPOC communities to mobilize through outdoor adventures today. We welcome people of all cultures to learn of this essential role BIPOC communities have played in American history, as we work collectively to heal the harms of the past.

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